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AD Methods That Differentiate Implicit Functions
AD Methods That Differentiate Implicit Functions
    Table of Contents
    Implicit AD License
    Run CMake to Configure Implicit AD
     Utilities Used by All Methods
    Utilities Used by All Methods
        Norm Squared of a Vector
        Join Two Vectors
        Convert A CppAD Sparse Matrix to an Eigen Sparse Matrix
        Solve a CppAD Sparse Lower Triangular System
        Compute Jacobian of Implicit Function Constraints

     Kedem Method for Derivatives of Implicit Functions
    Kedem Method for Derivatives of Implicit Functions
        Example / Test of Implicit Wagner Class

     Newton Step Method for Derivatives of Implicit Functions
    Newton Step Method for Derivatives of Implicit Functions
        Example / Test of Implicit Newton Class

     The Control Test Problem
    The Control Test Problem
        Conversions Between Control Vectors and Matrices
        Computes the Control Objective Function
        Record the Control Objective
        Computes the Control Constraint Function
        Record the Control Constraint as a CppAD Function Object
        Execute Full Newton Steps For Control Constraint
        Control Problem Solver for Implicit Kedem or Newton Object
        Example / Test of Control Problem Reduced Objective

     Timing Comparison of Methods
    Timing Comparison of Methods
        Set T, p, and q
        Repeated Computation of Control Problem Gradient Using Kedem Method
        Repeated Computation of Control Problem Gradient Using Newton Method
        Repeated Computation of Control Problem Hessian Using Kedem Method
        Repeated Computation of Control Problem Hessian Using Newton Method

    Alphabetic Listing of Cross Reference Tags
    Keyword Index
    Search This Web Site
    External Internet References