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Repeated Computation of Control Problem Hessian Using Newton Method


is the number of times to choose a new value for the controls.

is the number of time points in the discrete version of the control problem.

If this is true, the full Newton step is used to compute the Hessian. Otherwise, the partial Newton step mode is used.

If x has size zero, it is not used. Otherwise, it must have size 2*J . In this case it specifies the value of the control vector for the first Hessian computation.

This vector must have size 4*J*J . The input value of its elements does not matter. Upon return, it contains the value last Hessian computed by repeat_newton_hessian.

This is the number time points in the problem; i.e., the value of J for this test.
void repeat_newton_hessian(
     size_t                repeat     ,
     size_t                J          ,
     bool                  full_step     ,
     const VECTOR(double)& x          ,
     VECTOR(double)&       hess       )
{    assert( x.size() == 0 || size_t( x.size() ) == 2 * J );
     assert( size_t( hess.size() ) == 2 * J * 2 * J );
     double eps99 = 99.0 * std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
     typedef CppAD::AD<double> adouble;
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // control problem parameters
     double T;
     VECTOR(double) p(4), q(4);
     set_T_p_and_q(T, p, q);
     double delta_t = T / double(J - 1);
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // L_fun, F_fun
     CppAD::ADFun<double> F_fun, L_fun;
     control::rec_objective(F_fun, J,  delta_t, q);
     control::rec_constraint(L_fun, J, delta_t, p);
     size_t m = L_fun.Range();
     size_t n = L_fun.Domain() - m;
     assert( F_fun.Range() == 1 );
     assert( F_fun.Domain() == n + m );
     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // aL_fun
     CppAD::ADFun<adouble> aL_fun;
     adouble adelta_t = delta_t;
     VECTOR(adouble) ap(4);
     for(size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
          ap[i] = p[i];
     control::rec_constraint(aL_fun, J, adelta_t, ap);
     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // control_solve
     double criteria = double(n + m) * eps99;
     control::implicit_solver control_solve(L_fun, aL_fun, criteria);
     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // R_newton
     size_t num_step = 2;
     implicit_newton<control::implicit_solver> R_newton(
          full_step, num_step, aL_fun, F_fun, control_solve
     VECTOR(double) x0(n), x1(n), w(2), dRR(2 * n);
     w[0] = 0.0;
     w[1] = 1.0;
     for(size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
          x1[i] = 0.0;
     if( x.size() == 0 )
          CppAD::uniform_01(n, x0);
          x0 = x;
     for(size_t count = 0; count < repeat; count++)
     {    // zero order forward
          R_newton.Forward(0, x0);
          for(size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
          {    x1[i] = 1.0;
               R_newton.Forward(1, x1);
               dRR = R_newton.Reverse(2, w);
               for(size_t j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    hess[i * n + j] = dRR[2 * j + 0];
               x1[i] = 0.0;
          // pick a random value for next x0
          CppAD::uniform_01(n, x0);
void time_partial_hessian(size_t size, size_t repeat)
{    size_t J = size;
     size_t full_step = false;
     VECTOR(double) hess(2 * J * 2 * J), x(0);
     repeat_newton_hessian(repeat, J, full_step, x, hess);
void time_full_hessian(size_t size, size_t repeat)
{    size_t J = size;
     size_t full_step = true;
     VECTOR(double) hess(2 * J * 2 * J), x(0);
     repeat_newton_hessian(repeat, J, full_step, x, hess);

Input File: src/time.cpp