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Repeated Computation of Control Problem Hessian Using Kedem Method


is the number of times to choose a new value for the controls.

is the number of time points in the discrete version of the control problem.

If x has size zero, it is not used. Otherwise, it must have size 2*J . In this case it specifies the value of the control vector for the first Hessian computation.

This vector must have size 4*J*J . The input value of its elements does not matter. Upon return, it contains the value last Hessian computed by repeat_kedem_hessian.

This is the number time points in the problem; i.e., the value of J for this test.
void repeat_kedem_hessian(
     size_t                repeat  ,
     size_t                J       ,
     const VECTOR(double)& x       ,
     VECTOR(double)&       hess    )
{    assert( x.size() == 0 || size_t( x.size() ) == 2 * J );
     assert( size_t( hess.size() ) == 4 * J * J );
     double eps99 = 99.0 * std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // control problem parameters
     double T;
     VECTOR(double) p(4), q(4);
     set_T_p_and_q(T, p, q);
     double delta_t = T / double(J - 1);
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // L_fun, F_fun
     CppAD::ADFun<double> F_fun, L_fun;
     control::rec_objective(F_fun, J,  delta_t, q);
     control::rec_constraint(L_fun, J, delta_t, p);
     size_t m = L_fun.Range();
     size_t n = L_fun.Domain() - m;
     assert( F_fun.Range() == 1 );
     assert( F_fun.Domain() == n + m );
     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // control_solve
     double criteria = double(n + m) * eps99;
     CppAD::ADFun< CppAD::AD<double> > not_used;
     control::implicit_solver control_solve(L_fun, not_used, criteria);
     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // R_kedem
     implicit_kedem<control::implicit_solver> R_kedem(
          L_fun, F_fun, control_solve
     VECTOR(double) x0(n), x1(n), x2(n), ddR(1);
     for(size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
     {    x1[i] = 0.0;
          x2[i] = 0.0;
     if( x.size() == 0 )
          CppAD::uniform_01(n, x0);
          x0 = x;
     for(size_t count = 0; count < repeat; count++)
          // zero order forward
          bool store = true;
          R_kedem.Forward(0, x0, store);
          // calculate the diagonal of Hessian
          for(size_t j = 0; j < n; j++)
          {    x1[j] = 1.0;
               store = true;
               R_kedem.Forward(1, x1, store);
               store = false;
               ddR             = R_kedem.Forward(2, x2, store);
               hess[j * n + j] = 2.0 * ddR[0];
               x1[j]           = 0.0;
          // calculate off diagonal elements
          for(size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
          {    x1[i] = 1.0;
               for(size_t j = 0; j < i; j++) if( j != i )
               {    x1[j] = 1.0;
                    store = true;
                    R_kedem.Forward(1, x1, store);
                    store = false;
                    ddR = R_kedem.Forward(2, x2, store);
                    double Hii = hess[i * n + i];
                    double Hjj = hess[j * n + j];
                    double Hij = (2.0 * ddR[0] - Hii - Hjj) / 2.0;
                    hess[i * n + j] = Hij;
                    hess[j * n + i] = Hij;
                    x1[j]           = 0.0;
               x1[i] = 0.0;
          // pick a random value for nexgt x0
          CppAD::uniform_01(n, x0);
void time_kedem_hessian(size_t size, size_t repeat)
{    size_t J = size;
     VECTOR(double) hess(2 * J * 2 * J), x(0);
     repeat_kedem_hessian(repeat, J, x, hess);

Input File: src/time.cpp