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Changes and Additions to OMhelp During 2015


This section contains a list of changes to OMhelp during 2015 (in reverse order by date). Its purpose is to assist you in learning about changes between versions.

Make the flex, bison programs optional for both the Unix and Windows install process.

  1. Remove a lot of duplicate index entries from the documentation (note that the aindex command is used to automatically index words in headings and subheadings .
  2. Improve get_started section and headings/indexing to its subsections.
  3. A warning, that suggests one not use the path command, was added.

  1. The $syntax command has been deprecated and most of it's use in the OMhelp documentation has been removed.
  2. The $math command has been deprecated and most of it's use in the OMhelp documentation has been removed.
  3. The $number command has been deprecated .
  4. The OMhelp documentation was changed to use headings instead of tables for documentation command syntax; e.g., see the $cref syntax .

  1. Remove invisible white space for all the source code files; e.g., a space at the end of a line.
  2. Shorten the copyright message at the beginning of each source code file.
  3. Remove two old Harmonic Software copyright messages because the copyright was transferred to Bradley M. Bell; see 2003-10-19 .
  4. Add the deprecation date for wspace , xref , fend , -l , and -i .
  5. Remove many of the uses of the deprecated commands from the OMhelp documentation (so it serves as a better example of how to document).

  1. The default value for tabsize is now the same as its value at the end of the root section .
  2. The tabsize command was not affecting the size of tabs in codep commands. This bug is connect to (started with) the addition of hilite command. It has been fixed.

Some very common and simple words; e.g. an, are now excluded from automatic indexing; see excluded words .

  1. Add an $aindex command in the aindex of the OMhelp documentation. This improves the OMhelp documentation index and search search sections.
  2. The old auto-tools install procedure has been removed from the unix install instructions and cmake has been added to its requirements.

  1. Modify the install process so that it is no longer necessary to build the omhelp documentation begin installing omhelp
  2. Improve the documentation for the spelling list files english.wrd , local.wrd , and dictionary.bin .

Added MathJax display of Latex mode in *.htm files. This helps for browsers, such as Chrome, that do not support MathML. See Difference Between MathML(xml) and MathJax(htm) Display.

The download and install procedures where changed to use cmake instead of the configure script generated by the auto-tools. See the new InstallUnix and InstallWindows procedures.

The program would sometimes crash while reporting spelling errors in keyword index commands. This bug was introduced on 2014-07-20 where misspelled words are only reported once per section. It has been fixed.
Input File: omh/whats_new/15.omh