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Windows Installation and Testing

Using Cygwin and MinGw
     Visual Studio
Download OMhelp
Create Distribution Directory
CMake Command
Build Executable
OMhelp Documentation
     Developer Documentation
     User Documentation
Install OMhelp
Getting Started
Spelling List

These instructions are old and need to be tested and updated.

Using Cygwin and MinGw
If you are using cygwin or, mingw , just follow all of the unix install steps. If you are using Dos formatted files, download the DOS version (see next step) and then follow the Unix installation steps.

The following programs are required to install OMhelp under windows:

The program 7-zip , for unpacking zip files, must be in your execution path. For example, on many systems can be done using
     set PATH=C:\Program Files\7-Zip;%PATH%
A different archiving program could be used so long as it understands files with the .zip extension.

The program cmake , for installing other programs from source code, must be in your execution path. For example, on some systems can be done using
     set PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake\bin;%PATH%

Visual Studio
Visual Studio Express , which contains a C compiler (other C compilers could be used). If you are using Visual Studio you will have to set some variables using its vcvarsall.bat file. For example, on some systems can be done using
     set VCDIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC
     call "%VCDIR%\vcvarsall.bat" x86

  1. If you are using the srcfile command, you will need the source-highlight library which in turn requires the boost_regex library.
  2. If you are changing the src/omhelp.y, latex.y, or latex.l file you will also need flex and bison in your execution path.

Download OMhelp
Use the following link to download the current version of OMhelp:

Create Distribution Directory
Use the command
zip_prefix\7z" x
where zip_prefix is the prefix for the install of 7-zip. We refer to omhelp-20171212 as the distribution_directory .

CMake Command
Execute the following commands:
     cd %distribution_directory%
     mkdir build
     cd build
     "%cmake_prefix%\bin\cmake"  ^
          -G "NMake Makefiles"  ^
          -D boost_regex_prefix=
boost_regex_prefix  ^
          -D source_highlight_prefix=
source_highlight_prefix  ^
          -D have_flex_and_bison=
have_flex_and_bison ^
          -D omhelp_prefix=
omhelp_prefix  ^
          -D omhelp_datadir=
omhelp_datadir  ^
          -D omhelp_c_flags=
omhelp_c_flags  ^
          -D omhelp_build_type=
omhelp_build_type  ^
Only the program cmake_prefixcmake , the type of make files -G "NMake Makefiles", and the distribution directory reference .., are required. The other entries use default values if they are not specified.

The default value for boost_regex_prefix is /usr. This prefix assumes the boost regex library is installed as one of the following:
2DO: THis has not yet been tested.

The default value for source_highlight_prefix is /usr. This prefix assumes the boost source-highlight library is installed as one of the following:
2DO: This has not yet been tested.

If you have these optional tools , you should specify this value as YES. Otherwise, you should use NO (the default).

The default value for omhelp_prefix is \usr; i.e., by default the OMhelp executable is installed in
If you do not have write permission for \usr, you must specify a prefix . If omhelp_prefix\bin is not in your path, you will have to specify the entire path omhelp_prefix\bin\omhelp when you execute it.

The data files used by OMhelp are installed in
The default value for omhelp_datadir is share.

These are extra flags, besides the debug and release flags, that are used during compilation. The default value for omhelp_c_flags is none.

This should be either debug (compile for debugging) or release (compile for speed). The default, if it is not specified, is debug.

Build Executable
In the distribution_directory\build execute the following command
This should build the program
If you have fortran, and CMake can figure out how to link C to Fortran, the following program will also be built

OMhelp Documentation
It is no longer necessary to build the OMhelp developer and user documentation before installing OMhelp; i.e., you can skip these steps.

Developer Documentation
Starting in the distribution_directory directory, the following commands create the developer documentation in the distribution_directory/dev :
     mkdir dev
     cd dev
     ..\build\src\omhelp ..\src\omh\omhelp.omh > ..\ ^
          -noframe -xml -debug -omhelp_dir ..\omhelp_data
     cd ..
This should complete without error, and so also functions as a test of the distribution.

User Documentation
Starting in the distribution_directory directory, the following commands create the user documentation in the distribution_directory/doc :
     mkdir doc
     cd doc
     ..\build\src\omhelp ..\omh\overview.omh -noframe -xml -debug ^
          -omhelp_dir ..\omhelp_data
This should complete without error, and so also functions as a test of the distribution.

Install OMhelp
In the distribution_directory\build execute the following command
     nmake install

Getting Started
see get_started

Spelling List
The OMhelp utility files are stored in the distribution_directory\omhelp_data directory. The spelling lists below are a subset of these files.

The file distribution_directory\omhelp_data\english.wrd is a list of standard english words. The words must be in alphabetic order, lower case, and contain only letters. For example,
A default english.wrd file is distributed with OMhelp.

The file distribution_directory\omhelp_data\local.wrd is an optional list of special words, not in english.wrd that are to be considered correctly spelled. These words must also be in alphabetic order, lower case, and contain only letters.

OMhelp combines the files english.wrd and local.wrd to form
If you make any changes to english.wrd or local.wrd, the file dictionary.bin should be deleted. A new dictionary.bin that combines the words english.wrd and local.wrd can be created and installed by executing following commands in the distribution_directory directory:
     del omhelp_data\dictionary.bin
     cd build\omh\getstarted
     ..\..\src\omhelp ^
          ..\..\..\omh\getstarted\simple_example.omh ^
          -omhelp_dir ..\..\..\omhelp_data
     cd ..\..
     make install

Input File: omh/installwindows.omh