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@(@\newcommand{\B}[1]{ {\bf #1} } \newcommand{\R}[1]{ {\rm #1} } \newcommand{\W}[1]{ \; #1 \; }@)@This is dismod_at-20221105 documentation: Here is a link to its current documentation .
An Example / Speed Test Fitting Simulated Diabetes Data

Running This example
     Covariate Table
     Data Table
Truth Var Table
     Parent Rates
     Child Rate Effects
Predict Table
Problem Parameters
Source Code

Running This example
see run one example . The time required to run the program will be printed at then end.

The model rate omega is constrained to have the value used during simulation of the data.

The model rate rho is constrained to be zero.


Covariate Table
The covariate table has the following values:
covariate_name reference max_difference
sex 0 0.6
bmi 28 null
ms_2000 0 null

Data Table
The covariate columns in the data table have the following values: sex is 0.5 for male and -0.5 for female, bmi is body mass index 20 <= bmi <= 36 , ms_2000 is 1.0 if this is year 2000 market scan data and 0.0 otherwise.

There are three covariate multipliers, one for each covariate. (In general, a covariate can have more than one multiplier.) In addition, each covariate multiplier has one grid point; i.e., the multiplier is constant in age and time. The value for each multiplier has a uniform distribution with the lower and upper limits below:
covariate affected lower upper
sex iota -2.0 +2.0
bmi iota -0.1 +0.1
ms_2000 prevalence -1.0 +1.0
Note that the for sex and bmi these are rate_value multipliers and for ms_2000 it is a meas_value multiplier.

Truth Var Table
The values in the truth_var_table are generated using bilinear interpolation of the log of values specified points.

Parent Rates
We use the notation as for age start, ae for age end, ts for time start, and te for time end. The following table gives the values used for the parent rates (note that the parent rate for pini cannot change with age):
rate (as,ts) (as,te) (ae,ts) (ae,te)
pini .01 .01 .01 .01
iota .001 .002 .01 .02
omega .003 .002 .3 .2
chi .004 .002 .1 .05

Child Rate Effects
The child rate effects are in log space (see u_ik ), constant in age and time, positive for even index children, negative for odd indices, and have the following values:
rate even index odd index
pini .1 -.1
iota .15 -.15
chi .25 -.25
There is an exception for omega, which is constrained. It is defined on the parent age grid and has the following values:
index (as,ts) (as,te) (ae,ts) (ae,te)
even .1 .02 .02 .03
odd -.1 -.02 -.02 -.03

Predict Table
The predict_command is used to compute the avg_integrand corresponding to the true values for the variables. This is then used to create a version of the data_table with no noise, and with a standard deviation that is modeled using a coefficient of variation.

Problem Parameters
The problem parameters below can (and should) be changed to experiment with how they affect the results.

This is a dictionary that maps each covariate name to the true value for the corresponding covariate multiplier. These values must satisfy the lower and upper multiplier limits above:

mulcov_dict = { 'sex':0.5, 'bmi':0.02, 'ms_2000':0.25 }

This is a list with str elements. The first element of this list is the parent node, the others are the child nodes. There must be an even number of children; i.e., an odd number of elements in this list. The case with no child nodes; i.e., one element in the list, is OK:

node_list = [ 'US', 'Alabama', 'California' ]

This is a list with str elements that are integrand names that will have measurements in the data_table and data_sim_table . As mentioned above, the rates omega and rho are know during the estimation (fitting) process. The integrands must inform the estimation of the model rates for pini , iota , and chi . Note that measuring prevalence at age zero should determine pini, prevalence at other ages corresponds to integrals of iota, and given prevalence, mtspecific should determine chi.
integrand_table = [
   { 'name':'mtspecific' },
   { 'name':'prevalence' }

This specifies the age grid used for all the parent rate smoothings . It is also the age grid used for constraining the child omega rates using child_nslist_id . In addition, it is the set of ages in the age_table . It is a dict with float values (except for number which is a positive int) containing the start age, end age, number of age grid points, and standard deviation of the log-Gaussian used to smooth the parent rates age differences. (This does not include pini because it only has one age point.) The interval between age grid points is the end age, minus the start age, divided by the number of grid points minus one.

parent_age_grid  = { 'start':0.0, 'end':100.0, 'number':6, 'std':0.4 }

The is the age grid used for all the child rate effect smoothings except for omega (see parent_age_grid above). It is a dict with the following values: The value of index is a list of indices (int) in the parent age grid where there are random effects . Each of these indices must be less than number in the age grid. The value std (a float) is the standard deviation in the Gaussian used to smooth the child rate effect values. (This does not include pini because it only has one age point.)

child_age_grid  = { 'index':[0], 'std':0.2 }

This specifies the time grid used for all the parent rate smoothings . It is also the time grid used for constraining the child omega rates using child_nslist_id . In addition, it is the set of times in the time_table . child_nslist_id . It is a dict with float values (except for number which is a positive int) containing the start time, end time, number of time grid points, and standard deviation of the log-Gaussian used to smooth the parent rates time differences. (This includes pini ). This is also the set of times in the time_table . The interval between time grid points is the end time, minus the start time, divided by the number of grid points minus one.

parent_time_grid = { 'start':1990.0, 'end': 2020, 'number':2, 'std':0.6  }

The is the time grid used for all the child rate effect smoothings except for omega (see parent_time_grid above). It is a dict with the following values: The value of index is a list of indices (int) in the parent time grid where there are random effects . Each of these indices must be less than number in the time grid. The value std (a float) is the standard deviation in the Gaussian used to smooth the child rate effect values. (This includes pini ).

child_time_grid  = { 'index':[0], 'std':0.2 }

This is a str that specifies the ode_step_size . It is suggest that this value be less than the intervals in the age and time grids:

ode_step_size = '10.0'

This is a float that specifies the measurement standard deviations meas_std by
meas_std = meas_cv * meas_value
For this example, the data table column meas_value does not have any noise; i.e., the values in that column are the corresponding average integrand . The meas_std determines the noise level used by the simulate_command :

meas_cv = 0.1

This is a positive int that specifies the number of times each noiseless measurement is repeated. Note that the simulated measurements will be different, because the noise for each measurement will be different. There are meas_repeat data points for each integrand in the integrand list, each age in the age grid, each time in the time grid, each node in the node list. In addition if an age is not the first age and time is not the first time, there is a data point in the middle of the age-time interval that ends at that (age, time):

meas_repeat = 1

This is a bool that specifies if measurement noise is included when fitting the data; i.e., if the column data_sim_value is used to fit the model_variables . Otherwise, the measurements without noise are used to fit the model variables; i.e., the column meas_value :

fit_with_noise_in_data = False

This str must be a non-negative integer and is the random_seed option value. This is used to seed the random number generator used to simulate the noise in the measurement values. The affects the results of the fit when fit_with_noise_in_data is true

random_seed = '0'

This str that is either true or false and is the quasi_fixed option value. If it is true, a quasi-Newton method is used. This only requires function values and first derivatives for the objective and constraints. If it is false, a Newton method is used. This requires second derivatives in which case initialization and function evaluations take longer:

quasi_fixed = 'false'

This str contains the tolerance_fixed option value.

tolerance_fixed = '1e-4'

This str is the derivative_test option for the fixed effects. The choice trace-adaptive can be used to see if the partial derivatives of the objective and constraints after the scaling of the fixed effects. The choice none is normal for a working example.

derivative_test_fixed = 'none'

This is a float that is used to map
start_var_value = truth2start * truth_var_value
for each model variable that is not constrained to a specific value. The notation truth_var_value is the true value used to simulate the data and start_var_value is the initial value of the variable during the fit. An error will result if the starting value for a variable is not within the upper and lower limits for a variable. The starting values are also used for the scale_var_table . truth2start :

truth2start = 0.3

This is a float that specifies the absolute relative error to be accepted as passing the test. If the test passes, for each model variable
accept_rel_err >= fit_var_value / truth_var_value - 1.0
where truth_var_value is the true value used to simulate the data and fit_var_value is result of the fit. A python assertion is generated if the condition above is not satisfied.

accept_rel_err = 0.25

Source Code

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
import sys
import os
import copy
import math
import time
test_program = 'example/user/'
if sys.argv[0] != test_program  or len(sys.argv) != 1 :
   usage  = 'python3 ' + test_program + '\n'
   usage += 'where python3 is the python 3 program on your system\n'
   usage += 'and working directory is the dismod_at distribution directory\n'
start_second = time.time()
# import dismod_at
local_dir = os.getcwd() + '/python'
if( os.path.isdir( local_dir + '/dismod_at' ) ) :
   sys.path.insert(0, local_dir)
import dismod_at
# change into the build/example/user directory
if not os.path.exists('build/example/user') :
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def log_bilinear(grid_value, a, t) :
   # denominator
   da  = parent_age_grid['end'] - parent_age_grid['start']
   dt  = parent_time_grid['end'] - parent_time_grid['start']
   den = da * dt;
   num = 0.0
   # value at start age and start time
   da   = parent_age_grid['end'] - a
   dt   = parent_time_grid['end'] - t
   num += math.log( grid_value['start_age, start_time'] ) * da * dt
   # value at start age and end time
   da   = parent_age_grid['end'] - a
   dt   = t - parent_time_grid['start']
   num += math.log( grid_value['start_age, end_time'] ) * da * dt
   # value at end age and start time
   da   = a - parent_age_grid['start']
   dt   = parent_time_grid['end'] - t
   num += math.log( grid_value['end_age, start_time'] ) * da * dt
   # value at end age and end time
   da   = a - parent_age_grid['start']
   dt   = t - parent_time_grid['start']
   num += math.log( grid_value['end_age, end_time'] ) * da * dt
   return math.exp( num / den )
def true_rate(node, rate, a, t) :
   parent_node = node_list[0]
   if node != parent_node :
      even_child = node_list.index(node) % 2 == 0
   # default
   grid_value = dict()
   # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
   if rate == 'pini' :
      if node == parent_node :
         grid_value['start_age, start_time'] = .01
         grid_value['start_age, end_time']   = .01
      elif even_child :
         grid_value['start_age, start_time'] = math.exp(0.1)
         grid_value['start_age, end_time']   = math.exp(0.1)
      else :
         grid_value['start_age, start_time'] = math.exp(-0.1)
         grid_value['start_age, end_time']   = math.exp(-0.1)
      # pini is constant in age
      grid_value['end_age, start_time'] = grid_value['start_age, start_time']
      grid_value['end_age, end_time']   = grid_value['start_age, end_time']
      ret = log_bilinear(grid_value, a, t)
      if node != parent_node :
         ret = math.log(ret)
   # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
   elif rate == 'iota' :
      if node == parent_node :
         grid_value['start_age, start_time'] = .001
         grid_value['start_age, end_time']   = .002
         grid_value['end_age, start_time']   = .01
         grid_value['end_age, end_time']     = .02
      elif even_child :
         grid_value['start_age, start_time'] = math.exp(.15)
         grid_value['start_age, end_time']   = math.exp(.15)
         grid_value['end_age, start_time']   = math.exp(.15)
         grid_value['end_age, end_time']     = math.exp(.15)
      else :
         grid_value['start_age, start_time'] = math.exp(-.15)
         grid_value['start_age, end_time']   = math.exp(-.15)
         grid_value['end_age, start_time']   = math.exp(-.15)
         grid_value['end_age, end_time']     = math.exp(-.15)
      ret = log_bilinear(grid_value, a, t)
      if node != parent_node :
         ret = math.log(ret)
   # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # we are constraining omega to its true value so we do a detailed
   # simulation of the random effect for omega; i.e., it is not constant
   elif rate == 'omega' :
      if node == parent_node :
         grid_value['start_age, start_time'] = .003
         grid_value['start_age, end_time']   = .002
         grid_value['end_age, start_time']   = .3
         grid_value['end_age, end_time']     = .2
      elif even_child :
         grid_value['start_age, start_time'] = math.exp(.10)
         grid_value['start_age, end_time']   = math.exp(.20)
         grid_value['end_age, start_time']   = math.exp(.20)
         grid_value['end_age, end_time']     = math.exp(.30)
      else :
         grid_value['start_age, start_time'] = math.exp(-.10)
         grid_value['start_age, end_time']   = math.exp(-.20)
         grid_value['end_age, start_time']   = math.exp(-.20)
         grid_value['end_age, end_time']     = math.exp(-.30)
      ret = log_bilinear(grid_value, a, t)
      if node != parent_node :
         ret = math.log(ret)
   # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
   elif rate == 'chi' :
      if node == parent_node :
         grid_value['start_age, start_time'] = .004
         grid_value['start_age, end_time']   = .002
         grid_value['end_age, start_time']   = .1
         grid_value['end_age, end_time']     = .05
      elif even_child :
         grid_value['start_age, start_time'] = math.exp(.25)
         grid_value['start_age, end_time']   = math.exp(.25)
         grid_value['end_age, start_time']   = math.exp(.25)
         grid_value['end_age, end_time']     = math.exp(.25)
      else :
         grid_value['start_age, start_time'] = math.exp(-.25)
         grid_value['start_age, end_time']   = math.exp(-.25)
         grid_value['end_age, start_time']   = math.exp(-.25)
         grid_value['end_age, end_time']     = math.exp(-.25)
      ret = log_bilinear(grid_value, a, t)
      if node != parent_node :
         ret = math.log(ret)
   # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
   else :
      assert False
   return ret
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def example_db (file_name) :
   # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # functions used for priors in smoothing
   # Note that there are no forward differences for covariate multiplier grids.
   def fun_mulcov_sex(a, t) :
      return('prior_sex',          None, None)
   def fun_mulcov_bmi(a, t) :
      return('prior_bmi',         None, None)
   def fun_mulcov_ms_2000(a, t) :
      return('prior_ms_2000',     None, None)
   # priors used in smoothing for iota
   def fun_iota_parent(a, t) :
      return ( \
         'prior_pos_parent_value', 'prior_parent_age', 'prior_parent_time')
   def fun_iota_child(a, t) :
      return ('prior_N(0,0.5)', 'prior_child_age', 'prior_child_time')
   # priors used in smoothing for chi
   def fun_chi_parent(a, t) :
      return ( \
         'prior_pos_parent_value', 'prior_parent_age', 'prior_parent_time')
   def fun_chi_child(a, t) :
      return ('prior_N(0,0.5)', 'prior_child_age', 'prior_child_time')
   # use const_value to constrain omega to true value
   def fun_omega(node) :
      # Use default argument to bind the value of node at point of
      # definition instead of at point of call.
      def fun_omega_node(a, t, node = node) :
         true_value = true_rate(node, 'omega', a, t)
         return (true_value, 'prior_U(-inf,inf)', 'prior_U(-inf,inf)')
      return fun_omega_node
   # priors used in smoothing for pini
   def fun_pini_parent(a, t) :
      return ('prior_pini_parent_value', None, 'prior_parent_time')
   def fun_pini_child(a, t) :
      return ('prior_N(0,0.5)', None, 'prior_child_time')
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   fun                       = dict()
   fun['mulcov_sex']         = fun_mulcov_sex
   fun['mulcov_bmi']         = fun_mulcov_bmi
   fun['mulcov_ms_2000']     = fun_mulcov_ms_2000
   fun['iota_parent']        = fun_iota_parent
   fun['iota_child']         = fun_iota_child
   fun['chi_parent']         = fun_chi_parent
   fun['chi_child']          = fun_chi_child
   fun['pini_parent']        = fun_pini_parent
   fun['pini_child']         = fun_pini_child
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # age_list, age_index_rate_parent, age_indexrate__child
   start                     = parent_age_grid['start']
   end                       = parent_age_grid['end']
   number                    = parent_age_grid['number']
   interval                  = (end - start) / (number - 1)
   age_list                  = [ start + j * interval for j in range(number) ]
   age_index_rate_parent     = range(number)
   age_index_rate_child      = child_age_grid['index']
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # time_list, time_index_rate_parent, time_index_rate_child
   start                  = parent_time_grid['start']
   end                    = parent_time_grid['end']
   number                 = parent_time_grid['number']
   interval               = (end - start) / (number - 1)
   time_list              = [ start + i * interval for i in range(number) ]
   time_index_rate_parent = range(number)
   time_index_rate_child  = child_time_grid['index']
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # node table:
   parent_node = node_list[0]
   node_table = [ { 'name':parent_node, 'parent':'' } ]
   for i in range(1, len(node_list) ) :
      node_table.append( { 'name':node_list[i], 'parent':parent_node } )
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # weight table
   weight_table = list()
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # prior_table
   prior_table = [
         # prior_N(0,0.5)
         'name':     'prior_N(0,0.5)',
         'density':  'gaussian',
         'mean':     0.0,
         'std':      math.sqrt(0.5),
      } , {
         # prior_U(-inf,inf)
         'name':     'prior_U(-inf,inf)',
         'density':  'uniform',
         'mean':     0.0,
      } , {
         # prior_pini_parent_value
         'name':     'prior_pini_parent_value',
         'density':  'uniform',
         'mean':     0.1,  # setting start_var table so mean has no affect
         'lower':    0.0,
         'upper':    1.0,
         'eta':      1e-5, # used for log-scaling during optimization
      } , {
         # prior_pos_parent_value
         'name':     'prior_pos_parent_value',
         'density':  'uniform',
         'mean':     0.1, # setting start_var table so mean has no affect
         'lower':    1e-8,
         'upper':    1.0,
         'eta':      0.0, # used for log-scaling during optimization
      } , {
         # prior_parent_age
         'name':     'prior_parent_age',
         'density':  'log_gaussian',
         'mean':     0.0,
         'std':      parent_age_grid['std'],
         'eta':      1e-5,
      } , {
         # prior_parent_time
         'name':     'prior_parent_time',
         'density':  'log_gaussian',
         'mean':     0.0,
         'std':      parent_time_grid['std'],
         'eta':      1e-5,
      } , {
         # prior_child_age
         'name':     'prior_child_age',
         'density':  'gaussian',
         'mean':     0.0,
         'std':      child_age_grid['std'],
         'eta':      1e-5,
      } , {
         # prior_child_time
         'name':     'prior_child_time',
         'density':  'gaussian',
         'mean':     0.0,
         'std':      child_time_grid['std'],
         'eta':      1e-5,
      } , {
         # prior_sex
         'name':     'prior_sex',
         'density':  'uniform',
         'mean':     0.0,
         'lower':    -2.0,
         'upper':    +2.0,
      } , {
         # prior_bmi
         'name':     'prior_bmi',
         'density':  'uniform',
         'mean':     0.0,
         'lower':    -0.1,
         'upper':    +0.1
      } , {
         # prior_ms_2000
         'name':     'prior_ms_2000',
         'density':  'uniform',
         'mean':     0.0,
         'lower':    -1.0,
         'upper':    +1.0,
         'mean':     0.0,
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # smooth table and nslist_table
   smooth_table   = list()
   nslist_table   = dict()
   # smooth_mulcov
   for cov in [ 'sex', 'bmi', 'ms_2000' ] :
      smooth_table.append( {
         'name':     'smooth_mulcov_' + cov,
         'age_id':   [0],
         'time_id':  [0],
         'fun':      fun['mulcov_' + cov]
      } )
   for rate in [ 'pini', 'iota', 'chi' ] :
      age_index = age_index_rate_parent
      if rate == 'pini' :
         age_index = [0]
      # smooth_rate_parent
      name = rate + '_parent'
      smooth_table.append( {
         'name':        'smooth_' + name        ,
         'age_id':       age_index              ,
         'time_id':      time_index_rate_parent ,
         'fun':          fun[name]
      } )
      age_index = age_index_rate_child
      if rate == 'pini' :
         age_index = [0]
      # smooth_rate_child
      name = rate + '_child'
      smooth_table.append( {
         'name':        'smooth_' + name       ,
         'age_id':       age_index             ,
         'time_id':      time_index_rate_child ,
         'fun':          fun[name]
      } )
   nslist_table['nslist_omega_child'] = list()
   for node in node_list :
      name                 = 'smooth_omega_' + node
      smoothing            = { 'name': name }
      smoothing['age_id']  = age_index_rate_parent
      smoothing['time_id'] = time_index_rate_parent
      smoothing['fun']     = fun_omega(node)
      smooth_table.append( smoothing )
      if node != parent_node :
         nslist_table['nslist_omega_child'].append( (node, name) )
   # no standard deviation multipliers
   for dictionary in smooth_table :
      for name in [ 'value' , 'dage', 'dtime' ] :
         key   = 'mulstd_' + name + '_prior_name'
         value = None
         dictionary[key] = value
   # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # covariate table:
   covariate_table = [
      {'name':'sex',     'reference':0.0,  'max_difference':0.6  } ,
      {'name':'bmi',     'reference':27.0, 'max_difference':None } ,
      {'name':'ms_2000', 'reference':0.0,  'max_difference':None } ,
   # mulcov table:
   mulcov_table = [
         # alpha for iota and sex
         'covariate': 'sex',
         'type':      'rate_value',
         'effected':  'iota',
         'group':     'world',
         'smooth':    'smooth_mulcov_sex'
      } , {
         # alpha for iota and bmi
         'covariate': 'bmi',
         'type':      'rate_value',
         'effected':  'iota',
         'group':     'world',
         'smooth':    'smooth_mulcov_bmi'
      } , {
         # beta for prevalence and ms_2000
         'covariate': 'ms_2000',
         'type':      'meas_value',
         'effected':  'prevalence',
         'group':     'world',
         'smooth':    'smooth_mulcov_ms_2000'
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # rate table:
   rate_table = [
      {  'name':          'pini',
         'parent_smooth': 'smooth_pini_parent',
         'child_smooth':  'smooth_pini_child',
         'child_nslist':  None,
      } , {
         'name':          'iota',
         'parent_smooth': 'smooth_iota_parent',
         'child_smooth':  'smooth_iota_child',
         'child_nslist':  None,
      } , {
         'name':          'rho',
         'parent_smooth': None,
         'child_smooth':  None,
      } , {
         'name':          'chi',
         'parent_smooth': 'smooth_chi_parent',
         'child_smooth':  'smooth_chi_child',
         'child_nslist':  None,
      } , {
         'name':          'omega',
         'parent_smooth': 'smooth_omega_' + parent_node,
         'child_smooth':  None,
         'child_nslist':  'nslist_omega_child',
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # data table, avgint_table:
   data_table   = list()
   avgint_table = list()
   # for each integrand, age, time, node
   n_integrand = len(integrand_table)
   n_age       = len(age_list)
   n_time      = len(time_list)
   n_node      = len(node_table)
   for k1 in range(n_integrand * n_age * n_time * n_node * meas_repeat) :
      den         = n_age * n_time * n_node * meas_repeat
      i_integrand = int( k1 / den )
      k2          =      k1 % den
      den         = n_time * n_node * meas_repeat
      i_age       = int( k2 / den )
      k3          =      k2 % den
      den         = n_node * meas_repeat
      i_time      = int( k3 / den )
      k4          =      k3 % den
      den         = meas_repeat
      i_node      = int( k4 / den )
      age         = age_list[i_age]
      time        = time_list[i_time]
      integrand   = integrand_table[i_integrand]['name']
      node        = node_table[i_node]['name']
      # sex
      if k1 % 2 == 0 :
         sex = -0.5
      else :
         sex = +0.5
      # market scan
      if k1 % 6 < 3 :
         ms_2000 = 1.0
      else :
         ms_2000 = 0.0
      # body mass index
      bmi = 20 + k1 % 17
      row = {
         'node':        node,
         'subgroup':    'world',
         'integrand':   integrand,
         'density':     'log_gaussian',
         'weight':      '',
         'age_lower':    age,
         'age_upper':    age,
         'time_lower':   time,
         'time_upper':   time,
         'sex':          sex,
         'ms_2000':      ms_2000,
         'bmi':          bmi,
         'one':          1,
      avgint_table.append( copy.copy(row) )
      if i_age > 0 and i_time > 0 :
         age  = (age_list[i_age]   + age_list[i_age-1])   / 2.0
         time = (time_list[i_time] + time_list[i_time-1]) / 2.0
      row = {
         'node':        node,
         'subgroup':    'world',
         'integrand':   integrand,
         'density':     'log_gaussian',
         'weight':      '',
         'age_lower':    age,
         'age_upper':    age,
         'time_lower':   time,
         'time_upper':   time,
         'sex':          sex,
         'ms_2000':      ms_2000,
         'bmi':          bmi,
         'one':          1,
      avgint_table.append( copy.copy(row) )
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # option_table
   option_table = [
      { 'name':'rate_case',              'value':'iota_pos_rho_zero'    },
      { 'name':'parent_node_name',       'value':parent_node            },
      { 'name':'ode_step_size',          'value':ode_step_size          },
      { 'name':'random_seed',            'value':random_seed            },
      { 'name':'bound_random',           'value':'1.0'                  },

      { 'name':'quasi_fixed',            'value':quasi_fixed            },
      { 'name':'max_num_iter_fixed',     'value':'300'                  },
      { 'name':'print_level_fixed',      'value':'5'                    },
      { 'name':'tolerance_fixed',        'value':tolerance_fixed        },
      { 'name':'derivative_test_fixed',  'value':derivative_test_fixed  },

      { 'name':'max_num_iter_random',    'value':'50'                   },
      { 'name':'print_level_random',     'value':'0'                    },
      { 'name':'tolerance_random',       'value':'1e-8'                 }
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # subgroup_table
   subgroup_table = [ { 'subgroup':'world', 'group':'world' } ]
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # create database
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def create_truth_var_table() :
   new             = False
   connection      = dismod_at.create_connection(file_name, new)
   var_table       = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'var')
   rate_table      = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'rate')
   covariate_table = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'covariate')
   integrand_table = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'integrand')
   node_table      = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'node')
   time_table      = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'time')
   age_table       = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'age')
   # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # create truth table
   tbl_name     = 'truth_var'
   col_name     = [ 'truth_var_value' ]
   col_type     = [ 'real' ]
   row_list     = list()
   for var_id in range( len(var_table) ) :
      value = None
      row          = var_table[var_id]
      var_type     = row['var_type']
      age          = age_table[ row['age_id'] ] ['age']
      time         = time_table[ row['time_id'] ] ['time']
      if var_type.startswith('mulcov_') :
         covariate = covariate_table[row['covariate_id' ]]['covariate_name']
         value     = mulcov_dict[covariate]
      elif var_type == 'rate' :
         node  = node_table[ row['node_id'] ] ['node_name']
         rate  = rate_table[ row['rate_id'] ] ['rate_name']
         value = true_rate(node, rate, age, time)
      else :
         assert False
      row_list.append( [ value ] )
   dismod_at.create_table(connection, tbl_name, col_name, col_type, row_list)
# ===========================================================================
# Run the init command to create the var table
file_name = 'example.db'
program = '../../devel/dismod_at'
dismod_at.system_command_prc([ program, file_name, 'init' ])
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# create truth_var table
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# create predict table
dismod_at.system_command_prc([ program, file_name, 'predict', 'truth_var' ])
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# add data to data table
new             = False
connection      = dismod_at.create_connection(file_name, new)
predict_table   = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'predict')
avgint_table    = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'avgint')
density_table   = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'density')
# get column names and types for data table
tbl_name             = 'data'
(col_name, col_type) = dismod_at.get_name_type(connection, tbl_name)
# remove the primary key from col_name and col_type
assert col_name[0] == 'data_id'
del col_name[0]
del col_type[0]
# list of row values to place in data table
row_list = list()
# density_id for log_gaussian
log_gaussian_id = None
for density_id in range( len( density_table ) ) :
   if density_table[density_id]['density_name'] == 'log_gaussian' :
      log_gaussian_id = density_id
for predict_id in range( len(predict_table) ) :
   # get prediction for average integrand
   row = predict_table[predict_id]
   assert row['sample_index'] == None
   assert row['avgint_id']    == predict_id
   avg_integrand = row['avg_integrand']
   # initial row using information in avgint table
   row = copy.copy( avgint_table[predict_id] )
   # add information, that is not in avgint_table, to row
   eta        = 1e-7                     # a very small eta
   meas_value = avg_integrand            # no noise version of meas_value
   meas_std   = meas_cv * avg_integrand # noise in simulated data
   row['density_id'] = log_gaussian_id
   row['hold_out']   = 0
   row['meas_std']   = meas_std
   row['meas_value'] = meas_value
   row['eta']        = eta
   row['nu']         = None
   # values in same order as col_name
   row_value = list()
   for key in col_name :
      if key != 'data_id' :
         row_value.append( row[key] )
   row_list.append( row_value )
# drop the old data table
command = 'DROP TABLE data'
dismod_at.sql_command(connection, command)
# create the new data table
dismod_at.create_table(connection, tbl_name, col_name, col_type, row_list )
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# re-initailize to get data_subset table to correspond to new data
dismod_at.system_command_prc([ program, file_name, 'init' ])
# Initializing erases the truth_var table.
# Create a new version of truth_var table that will correspond to fit
# drop the start_var table created by init
new             = False
connection      = dismod_at.create_connection(file_name, new)
command = 'DROP TABLE start_var'
dismod_at.sql_command(connection, command)
# create new start_var table
rate_table      = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'rate')
var_table       = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'var')
truth_var_table = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'truth_var')
tbl_name        = 'start_var'
col_name        = [ 'start_var_value' ]
col_type        = [ 'real' ]
row_list        = list()
for var_id in range( len(var_table) ) :
   truth_var_value  = truth_var_table[var_id]['truth_var_value']
   var_type         = var_table[var_id]['var_type']
   rate_id          = var_table[var_id]['rate_id']
   start_var_value  = truth2start * truth_var_value
   if var_type == 'rate' :
         if rate_table[rate_id]['rate_name'] == 'omega' :
            start_var_value  = truth_var_value
   row_list.append( [start_var_value] )
dismod_at.create_table(connection, tbl_name, col_name, col_type, row_list)
# copy start_var table to scale_var table
dismod_at.system_command_prc([ program, file_name, 'set' , 'scale_var', 'start_var' ])
# Simulate a data set corresponding to the truth
number_simulate = '1'
dismod_at.system_command_prc([ program, file_name, 'simulate', number_simulate ])
# Do a fit with no random effects
cmd            = [ program, file_name, 'fit', 'fixed' ]
if fit_with_noise_in_data :
   simulate_index = '0'
   cmd += [ simulate_index ]
# copy fit_var table to start_var table
dismod_at.system_command_prc([ program, file_name, 'set' , 'start_var', 'fit_var' ])
# Do a fit with random effects
cmd            = [ program, file_name, 'fit', 'both' ]
if fit_with_noise_in_data :
   simulate_index = '0'
   cmd += [ simulate_index ]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# compare truth and fit
file_name      = 'example.db'
new             = False
connection      = dismod_at.create_connection(file_name, new)
var_table       = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'var')
truth_var_table = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'truth_var')
fit_var_table   = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'fit_var')
ok              = True
max_err         = 0.0
for var_id in range( len(var_table) ) :
   truth_var_value = truth_var_table[var_id]['truth_var_value']
   fit_var_value   = fit_var_table[var_id]['fit_var_value']
   if truth_var_value != 0.0 :
      rel_err = fit_var_value / truth_var_value - 1.0
      flag    = abs( rel_err ) <= accept_rel_err
      ok     &= flag
      if not flag :
         print('var_id = ', var_id, ', rel_err = ', rel_err)
      max_err = max( max_err, abs(rel_err) )
assert ok
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
print('max_err = ', max_err )
print('elapsed seconds = ', time.time() - start_second)
print(' OK')
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Input File: example/user/