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@(@\newcommand{\B}[1]{ {\bf #1} } \newcommand{\R}[1]{ {\rm #1} } \newcommand{\W}[1]{ \; #1 \; }@)@This is dismod_at-20221105 documentation: Here is a link to its current documentation .
The Integrand Table


The integrand table is used to identify data integrands. It has the following columns:

This column has type integer and is the primary key for this table. Its initial value is zero, and it increments by one for each row.

This column has type real and is non-negative and less than or equal one. It specifies the minimum coefficient of variation for measurement values with this integrand. To be specific; for the data table integrand_id is the same, meas_value is the measurement value, and meas_std is the measurement standard, the minimum cv measurement standard deviation is
Delta = max(meas_stdminimum_meas_cv * |meas_value| )
see Delta in the data likelihood section.

This column has type text. The following is a list of the possible values for integrand_name . This column is unique; i.e., each name can only appear once in this table. All of the integrand_id values that appear in the data and avgint tables need to appear in the integrand table.

If the column ODE below is yes, and a data point has a rate covariate that is not equal to its reference value, the differential equation needs to be solved for each cohort that intersects or surrounds the age-time span for this data point. (The space between cohorts is determined by the ode_step_size .) This computation is preformed each time the model_variables change.

Integrand Name Description ODE
Sincidence incidence rate relative to susceptible population no
remission remission rate no
mtexcess excess mortality rate no
mtother other cause mortality rate no
mtwith with condition mortality rate no
relrisk relative risk no
susceptible susceptible fraction of the population yes
withC with condition fraction of the population yes
prevalence prevalence of the condition yes
Tincidence incidence rate relative to total population yes
mtspecific cause specific mortality rate yes
mtall all cause mortality rate yes
mtstandard standardized mortality ratio yes
mulcov_mulcov_id the group covariate multiplier specified by mulcov_id no

The file contains an example integrand table.
Input File: omh/table/integrand_table.omh