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Latex Standard Mathematics Functions

Inline Formulas
Display Formulas

$latex Command $$

Display in Latex mode the standard mathematical function specified by Command where Command is one of the commands listed in the table below. This table contains the Log-Like functions in Table 3.9 of Lamport :
Command Display
\arccos @(@ \arccos @)@
\arcsin @(@ \arcsin @)@
\arctan @(@ \arctan @)@
\arg @(@ \arg @)@
Command Display
\cos @(@ \cos @)@
\cosh @(@ \cosh @)@
\cot @(@ \cot @)@
\coth @(@ \coth @)@
Command Display
\csc @(@ \csc @)@
\deg @(@ \deg @)@
\det @(@ \det @)@
\dim @(@ \dim @)@
Command Display
\exp @(@ \exp @)@
\gcd @(@ \gcd @)@
\hom @(@ \hom @)@
\inf @(@ \inf @)@
Command Display
\ker @(@ \ker @)@
\lg @(@ \lg @)@
\lim @(@ \lim @)@
\liminf @(@ \liminf @)@
Command Display
\limsup @(@ \limsup @)@
\ln @(@ \ln @)@
\log @(@ \log @)@
\max @(@ \max @)@
Command Display
\min @(@ \min @)@
\Pr @(@ \Pr @)@
\sec @(@ \sec @)@
\sin @(@ \sin @)@
Command Display
\sinh @(@ \sinh @)@
\sup @(@ \sup @)@
\tan @(@ \tan @)@
\tanh @(@ \tanh @)@

Inline Formulas
The standard math functions listed below display subscripts and superscripts differently in line than in displayed formulas. Here is some example output corresponding to inline formulas :
@(@ \min_{x > 0} \; , \; \max_{x > 0} \; , \; \lim_{x > 0} \; , \; \inf_{x > 0} \; , \; \sup_{x > 0} \; , \; \liminf_{x > 0} \; , \; \limsup_{x > 0} @)@

Display Formulas
Here is some example output corresponding to displayed formulas : @[@ \min_{x > 0} \; , \; \max_{x > 0} \; , \; \lim_{x > 0} \; , \; \inf_{x > 0} \; , \; \sup_{x > 0} \; , \; \liminf_{x > 0} \; , \; \limsup_{x > 0} @]@
Input File: omh/latex/stdfun.omh