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Latex Diacritical Marks Above Other Output

Table of Diacritical Marks

$latex \name{commands} $$ where name is acute, bar, breve, check, ddot, dot, hat, grave, tilde, vec, widehat, or widetilde

Display in Latex mode the specified commands with the diacritical mark specified by name above the output corresponding to commands . (As of version 1.2b, Mozilla seems to have a problem with the acute, breve, ddot, dot, grave, and vec cases.)

The input
     $latex \hat{x} + \hat{y + z} $$
results in the following output
@(@ \hat{x} + \hat{y + z} @)@ The widehat and widetilde will stretch if the output corresponding to commands is more than one character long. The input
     $latex \widehat{x} + \widehat{y + z} $$
results in the following output
@(@ \widehat{x} + \widehat{y + z} @)@
Table of Diacritical Marks
Command Output
\acute{x} @(@ \acute{x} @)@
\bar{x} @(@ \bar{x} @)@
\breve{x} @(@ \breve{x} @)@
\check{x} @(@ \check{x} @)@
\ddot{x} @(@ \ddot{x} @)@
\dot{x} @(@ \dot{x} @)@
\hat{x} @(@ \hat{x} @)@
\grave{x} @(@ \grave{x} @)@
\tilde{x} @(@ \tilde{x} @)@
\vec{x} @(@ \vec{x} @)@
\widthat{x} @(@ \widehat{x} @)@
\widetilde{x} @(@ \widetilde{x} @)@
Command Output
\acute{x + y} @(@ \acute{x + y} @)@
\bar{x + y} @(@ \bar{x + y} @)@
\breve{x + y} @(@ \breve{x + y} @)@
\check{x + y} @(@ \check{x + y} @)@
\ddot{x + y} @(@ \ddot{x + y} @)@
\dot{x + y} @(@ \dot{x + y} @)@
\hat{x + y} @(@ \hat{x + y} @)@
\grave{x + y} @(@ \grave{x + y} @)@
\tilde{x + y} @(@ \tilde{x + y} @)@
\vec{x + y} @(@ \vec{x + y} @)@
\widehat{x + y} @(@ \widehat{x + y} @)@
\widetilde{x + y} @(@ \widetilde{x + y} @)@

Input File: omh/latex/diacritical.omh