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Excluding Words from Spell Checking

See Also
Double Words
Effect Limits
     One Word Errors
     Two Word Errors
Spelling Error Output

$spell word list$$

See Also
getting started , nospell

A standard and local dictionary are used to check for misspelled words. A word is an upper or lower case letter followed by a sequence and lower case letters. For example, AddNumber is two words namely Add and Number. Often, there are words in the text of a document that are not part of the standard or local dictionary . Any words that appear in word_list will be considered correctly spelled even if they are not in either of the dictionaries.

Double Words
Double words are also flagged as spelling errors. To be specific, a double word is two copies of the same word (ignoring case of the first letter and longer than one letter) with only white space between the two copies. If a double word appears in word_list , it will be considered correctly spelled.

Effect Limits
A spell command has effect from the point of the command to the next end command; i.e., the end of the section that the command appears in. If there are multiple spell commands in a section, the effect is cumulative.


One Word Errors
The following commands
results in the following output
In addition, an error message that identifies wordthree as misspelled is printed on standard output .

Two Word Errors
The following commands
          word word
          this this
          word word
results in the following output
this this
word word
In addition, an error message that identifies this this as a spelling error is printed on standard output.

Spelling Error Output
Spelling errors are printed on standard output . If the -debug option is chosen, an alphabetic list of spelling errors is stored in the file error.wrd in the current directory (where OMhelp is run ). If you change dictionaries (see below) and you get spelling errors with your new dictionary, you can add the words in error.wrd to your new dictionary to make your new dictionary compatible with your current help system.

The dictionary used by OMhelp is determined during installation (see the spelling list instructions for installing under Unix or Windows ). The standard dictionary is located in a file called english.wrd and the local dictionary is located in a file called local.wrd. A combined binary version of these dictionaries is located in a file called dictionary.bin

The english.wrd file distributed with OMhelp is a combination of the files words*.lst from the web site:
(together with all the single letters a through z). Unfortunately, this web address no longer exists.
Input File: omh/spell.omh