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@(@\newcommand{\B}[1]{ {\bf #1} } \newcommand{\R}[1]{ {\rm #1} } \newcommand{\W}[1]{ \; #1 \; }@)@This is dismod_at-20221105 documentation: Here is a link to its current documentation .
Weighted Residuals

Example Parameters
     Gaussian Residuals
     Log-Gaussian Residuals
     Value Residual
     Difference Residual
Source Code

Example Parameters
The following values are used to simulate the data and define the priors:

omega_true      = [ 0.01, 0.02 ]
omega_mean      = 0.15
minimum_meas_cv = 0.10

The only non-zero model variable for this example is other cause mortality, @(@ \omega @)@, for the parent area. The parent omega grid has two points, one at age zero and the other at age 100. The corresponding true values for @(@ \omega @)@ are omega_true[0] at age zero and omega_true[1] at age 100.

The integrand for this data is mtother ; i.e., a direct measurement of @(@ \omega @)@. Both ages are included in the data for this example. Both the Gaussian and Log-Gaussian densities are included. In addition, both the case where the meas_std is above and below the bound specified by minimum_meas_cv are included.

We use the notation Delta for the standard deviation adjusted by the minimum measurement cv.

We use the notation sigma for the transformed standard deviation. There are no measurement noise covariate multipliers, so the adjusted standard deviation is also equal to @(@ \sigma @)@.

Gaussian Residuals
In the Gaussian case, @(@ \sigma = \Delta @)@ and @[@ (y - \mu) / \sigma @]@, where @(@ y @)@ is the measured value and @(@ \mu @)@ is the model value for the average integrand .

Log-Gaussian Residuals
@[@ \sigma = \log ( y + \eta + \Delta ) - \log( y + \eta ) @]@where @(@ y @)@ is the measured value and @(@ \eta @)@ is the offset in the log transform. The residual is @[@ \frac{ \log ( y + \eta ) - \log ( \mu + \eta ) } { \sigma } @]@ where @(@ \mu @)@ is the model value for the average integrand.


Value Residual
There are two value residuals, one for @(@ \omega @)@ at age zero and the other at age 100. The density used for the value residuals is Log-Gaussian. The mean value used in the prior for the value residuals @(@ \mu @)@ is omega_mean. The standard deviation used for the value residuals in omega_mean * 0.1 The log transformed standard deviation is @[@ \sigma = \log ( \mu + \eta + \delta ) - \log( \mu + \eta ) @]@ The residual is @[@ \frac{ \log ( y + \eta ) - \log ( \mu + \eta ) } { \sigma } @]@ where @(@ y @)@ is the fit_var_value for the model variable.

Difference Residual
There is one difference residuals for the difference of @(@ \omega @)@ at age zero and age 100. The density used for the value residuals is Log-Gaussian. The mean value used in the prior for the difference residual @(@ \mu = 0 @)@. The standard deviation used for the difference residual is 0.1. (This corresponds to a coefficient of variation of @(@ e^{0.1} - 1 @)@. which is approximately equal to 0.1; i.e., 10 percent.) The age difference smoothing multiplier prior id mulstd_dage_prior_id for this example is null, so @(@ \delta @)@ is equal to the standard deviation 0.1. The residual is @[@ \frac{ \log ( z + \eta ) - \log ( y + \eta ) - \mu } { \delta } @]@ where @(@ y @)@ (@(@ z @)@) is the fit_var_value at age zero (age 100).

Source Code

import sys
import os
import math
import csv
import copy
import numpy
test_program = 'example/user/'
if sys.argv[0] != test_program  or len(sys.argv) != 1 :
   usage  = 'python3 ' + test_program + '\n'
   usage += 'where python3 is the python 3 program on your system\n'
   usage += 'and working directory is the dismod_at distribution directory\n'
# import dismod_at
local_dir = os.getcwd() + '/python'
if( os.path.isdir( local_dir + '/dismod_at' ) ) :
   sys.path.insert(0, local_dir)
import dismod_at
# change into the build/example/user directory
if not os.path.exists('build/example/user') :
def fun_omega_parent(a, t):
   return ('prior_omega_value', 'prior_omega_dage', None)
def fun_omega_eta() :
   return omega_mean * 1e-4
def fun_omega_value_std() :
   return omega_mean * 0.1
def fun_omega_dage_std() :
   return 0.1
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def example_db ():
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # age list
   age_list    = [ 0.0, 100.0 ]
   # time list
   time_list   = [ 1995.0, 2015.0 ]
   # only one integrand in this example
   integrand_table = [
       { 'name':'mtother', 'minimum_meas_cv':minimum_meas_cv }
   # just the world (which has no parent)
   node_table = [ { 'name':'world', 'parent':'' } ]
   # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
   weight_table    = list()
   covariate_table = list()
   avgint_table    = list()
   mulcov_table    = list()
   nslist_table    = dict()
   # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
   # data table
   row = {
      'integrand':   'mtother',
      'node':        'world',
      'subgroup':    'world',
      'weight':      '',
      'time_lower':  2000.0,
      'time_upper':  2000.0,
      'hold_out':    False,
      'eta':         fun_omega_eta(),
      'nu':          4.0
   data_table = list()
   for age_id in range( len(age_list) ) :
      age               = age_list[age_id]
      row['age_lower']  = age
      row['age_upper']  = age
      meas_value        = omega_true[age_id]
      row['meas_value'] = meas_value
      for density in [ 'gaussian', 'log_gaussian' ] :
         row['density']  = density
         meas_std        = meas_value * minimum_meas_cv / 2.0
         row['meas_std'] = meas_std
         data_table.append( copy.copy(row) )
         meas_std        = meas_value * minimum_meas_cv * 2.0
         row['meas_std'] = meas_std
         data_table.append( copy.copy(row) )
   # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
   # prior_table
   prior_table = [
      {  # prior_omega_value
         'name':     'prior_omega_value',
         'density':  'log_gaussian',
         'lower':    0.0,
         'upper':    1.0,
         'mean':     omega_mean,
         'std':      fun_omega_value_std(),
         'eta':      fun_omega_eta()
         # prior_omega_dage
         'name':     'prior_omega_dage',
         'density':  'log_gaussian',
         'mean':     0.0,
         'std':      fun_omega_dage_std(),
         'eta':      fun_omega_eta()
   # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
   # smooth table:
   smooth_table = [
      {  # smooth_omega_parent
         'name':                     'smooth_omega_parent',
         'age_id':                   [0, 1],
         'time_id':                  [0],
         'fun':                      fun_omega_parent
   # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
   # rate table
   rate_table = [
      {  'name':          'omega',
         'parent_smooth': 'smooth_omega_parent',
   # -------------------------------------------------------------------
   # option_table
   # maximum number of iterations is -1 so compute residuals at start value
   option_table = [
      {'name':'parent_node_name',     'value':'world'             },
      {'name':'rate_case',            'value':'iota_zero_rho_zero'}
   # -------------------------------------------------------------------
   # subgroup_table
   subgroup_table = [ { 'subgroup':'world', 'group':'world' } ]
   # -------------------------------------------------------------------
   # create database
   file_name = 'example.db'
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
file_name = 'example.db'
program   = '../../devel/dismod_at'
dismod_at.system_command_prc([ program, file_name, 'init'] )
dismod_at.system_command_prc([ program, file_name, 'fit', 'fixed'] )
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# connect to database
new             = False
connection      = dismod_at.create_connection(file_name, new)
# get variable and fit_var tables
data_table            = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'data')
data_subset_table     = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'data_subset')
fit_data_subset_table = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'fit_data_subset')
density_table         = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'density')
var_table             = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'var')
fit_var_table         = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'fit_var')
smooth_gird_table     = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'smooth_grid')
# check data residuals
eps99    = 99.0 * numpy.finfo(float).eps
n_subset = len(data_subset_table)
assert n_subset == 8
for data_subset_id in range(n_subset) :
   data_id        = data_subset_table[data_subset_id]['data_id']
   data_row       = data_table[data_id]
   fit_row        = fit_data_subset_table[data_subset_id]
   avg_integrand  = fit_row['avg_integrand']
   residual       = fit_row['weighted_residual']
   meas_value     = data_row['meas_value']
   meas_std       = data_row['meas_std']
   density_id     = data_row['density_id']
   eta            = data_row['eta']
   density        = density_table[density_id]['density_name']
   Delta          = max( minimum_meas_cv * meas_value, meas_std)
   check          = None
   if density == 'gaussian' :
      check = (meas_value - avg_integrand) / Delta
   if density == 'log_gaussian' :
      log_y_eta_plus  = math.log(meas_value + eta + Delta)
      log_y_eta       = math.log(meas_value + eta)
      log_mu_eta      = math.log(avg_integrand + eta)
      sigma           = log_y_eta_plus - log_y_eta
      check           = (log_y_eta - log_mu_eta) / sigma
   relerr = residual / check - 1.0
   assert abs(relerr) <= eps99
# check variable value residuals
n_var = len(var_table)
assert( n_var == 2)
omega_id         = 4
age_id2var_value = n_var * [0.0]
for var_id in range(n_var) :
   var_row = var_table[var_id]
   assert( var_row['var_type'] == 'rate' )
   assert( var_row['rate_id'] == omega_id )
   fit_row   = fit_var_table[var_id]
   value     = fit_row['fit_var_value']
   residual  = fit_row['residual_value']
   mu        = omega_mean
   delta     = fun_omega_value_std()
   sigma     = math.log(mu + eta + delta) - math.log(mu + eta)
   check     = (math.log(value + eta) - math.log(mu + eta)) / sigma
   relerr    = residual / check - 1.0
   assert abs(relerr) <= eps99
   # mapping from age_id to fit_var_value
   age_id = var_row['age_id']
   age_id2var_value[age_id] = value
   # residual_dage
   if age_id == 0 :
      residual_dage = fit_row['residual_dage']
# check dage residual
z        = age_id2var_value[1]
y        = age_id2var_value[0]
mu       = 0.0
delta    = fun_omega_dage_std()
check    = (math.log(z + eta) - math.log(y + eta) - mu) / delta
relerr   = residual_dage / check - 1.0
assert( abs(relerr) <= eps99 )
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
print(' OK')

Input File: example/user/