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@(@\newcommand{\B}[1]{ {\bf #1} } \newcommand{\R}[1]{ {\rm #1} } \newcommand{\W}[1]{ \; #1 \; }@)@This is dismod_at-20221105 documentation: Here is a link to its current documentation .
csv2db_command: Example and Test

Using This Example
Rate Grids
Source Code

Using This Example
See run one example for instructions on running just this example. After doing that, one can run the command
 bin/ build/example/user/example.db
To generate the csv files corresponding to the example database. One can then inspect the csv files in the build/example/user to see all the relevant information.

The following describes the mode and data for this example:

The true value for the rates, used to simulate the data, are constant w.r.t age and time and are given by:

rate_true = { 'iota':0.001, 'rho':0.1, 'chi':0.1, 'omega':0.01 }

The notation @(@ P @)@ is used for prevalence. The initial prevalence at age zero is zero; i.e. @(@ P(0) = 0 @)@. We use @(@ S(a) @)@ (@(@ C(a) @)@) for the susceptible (with condition) fraction of the initial population. The true prevalence @(@ P(a) = C(a) / [S(a) + C(a)] @)@ is solved for using the ODE: @[@ \begin{array}{rcl} S(0) & = & 1 \\ C(0) & = & 0 \\ S'(a) & = & - \iota S(a) + \rho C(a) - \omega S(a) \\ C'(a) & = & + \iota S(a) - \rho C(a) - \omega C(a) - \chi C(a) \end{array} @]@

Rate Grids
The value of omega is modeled as know and equal to the value of mtall corresponding to the age-time intervals:

age_intervals  = [ (0, 10),      (40, 60),     (90, 100)    ]
time_intervals = [ (1990, 1994), (1994, 2006), (2006, 2010) ]
The non-zero rates (iota, rho, chi) are modeled as unknown and piecewise bilinear with the same grid points.

The Data is simulated, without any noise, for the following integrands: remission , mtexcess , prevalence . Note that the model for the noise in the measurement meas_std is a 10 percent coefficient of variation. See the file data.csv output by the db2csv command.

The predictions are in the file predict.csv output by the db2csv command.

The omega constraints correspond to mtall data. As a check, we include the mtall data with hold_out equal to one.

Source Code

import sys
import os
import csv
import numpy
import scipy.integrate
# dismod_at
local_dir = os.getcwd() + '/python'
if( os.path.isdir( local_dir + '/dismod_at' ) ) :
   sys.path.insert(0, local_dir)
import dismod_at
# check execution is from distribution directory
example = 'example/user/'
if sys.argv[0] != example  or len(sys.argv) != 1 :
   usage  = 'python3 ' + example + '\n'
   usage += 'where python3 is the python 3 program on your system\n'
   usage += 'and working directory is the dismod_at distribution directory\n'
# change into the build/example/user directory
if not os.path.exists('build/example/user') :
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rate_true = { 'iota':0.001, 'rho':0.1, 'chi':0.1, 'omega':0.01 }
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# compute P (prevalence) at integer ages 0, 1, ..., 100
def dSC_da(SC, a) :
   S     = SC[0]
   C     = SC[1]
   iota  = rate_true['iota']
   rho   = rate_true['rho']
   chi   = rate_true['chi']
   omega = rate_true['omega']
   dS_da = - iota * S + rho * C - omega * S
   dC_da = + iota * S - rho * C - omega * C - chi * C
   return numpy.array( [dS_da, dC_da] )
SC0     = numpy.array( [ 1.0, 0.0 ] ) # initial prevalence is zero
age_ode = list( range(101) )
age_ode = numpy.array(age_ode, dtype = float )
SC      = scipy.integrate.odeint(dSC_da, SC0, age_ode)
S       = SC[:,0]
C       = SC[:,1]
P       = C / (S + C)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# configure_csv
file_name  = 'configure.csv'
file_ptr   = open(file_name, 'w')
fieldnames = [ 'name', 'value' ]
writer     = csv.DictWriter(file_ptr, fieldnames=fieldnames)
row        = { 'name': 'non_zero_rates',  'value': 'iota rho chi omega' }
writer.writerow( row )
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# begin measure_csv
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# writer
file_name  = 'measure.csv'
file_ptr   = open(file_name, 'w')
fieldnames = [
writer     = csv.DictWriter(file_ptr, fieldnames=fieldnames)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# header
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
age_intervals  = [ (0, 10),      (40, 60),     (90, 100)    ]
time_intervals = [ (1990, 1994), (1994, 2006), (2006, 2010) ]
# write remission, mtexcess, prevalence, mtall data
n_age          = len(age_intervals)
n_time         = len(time_intervals)
mtall_data     = list()
for integrand in [ 'remission', 'mtexcess', 'prevalence', 'mtall' ] :
   for (age_lower, age_upper) in age_intervals :
      # trapoziodal approximation to integral of prevalence w.r.t. age
      P_sum  = (P[age_lower] + P[age_upper]) / 2.0
      P_sum += sum( P[age_lower + 1 : age_upper ] )
      P_avg  = P_sum / (age_upper - age_lower)
      for (time_lower, time_upper) in time_intervals :
         row               = dict()
         row['integrand']  = integrand
         row['age_lower']  = age_lower
         row['age_upper']  = age_upper
         row['time_lower'] = time_lower
         row['time_upper'] = time_upper
         if integrand == 'remission' :
            row['meas_value'] = rate_true['rho']
         elif integrand == 'mtexcess' :
            row['meas_value'] = rate_true['chi']
         elif integrand == 'prevalence':
            row['meas_value'] = P_avg
         else :
            # if the true omega or chi were not constant, we would do
            # a separate integration for mtall.
            row['meas_value'] = \
               rate_true['omega'] + P_avg * rate_true['chi']
         row['meas_value'] = round(row['meas_value'], 6)
         row['meas_std']   = row['meas_value'] / 10.0
         row['hold_out']   = 0
         if integrand == 'mtall' :
            # change so weighted residual is a coefficient of variation
            row['meas_std']   = row['meas_value']
            # hold out because used for omega constaint
            row['hold_out']   = 1
            # save a copy for use by omega constraint
            mtall_data.append( row['meas_value'] )
# mtother data
mtall_index = 0
for (age_lower, age_upper) in age_intervals :
   for (time_lower, time_upper) in time_intervals :
      row               = dict()
      age               = (age_lower + age_upper) / 2.0
      time              = (time_lower + time_upper) / 2.0
      row['integrand']  = 'mtother'
      row['age_lower']  = age
      row['age_upper']  = age
      row['time_lower'] = time
      row['time_upper'] = time
      row['meas_value'] = mtall_data[mtall_index]
      row['meas_std']   = row['meas_value'] / 10.0
      row['hold_out']   = 1 # used for constraint, not data
      mtall_index      += 1
assert mtall_index == len(mtall_data)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# end measure_csv
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# create example.db
database      = 'example.db'
configure_csv = 'configure.csv'
measure_csv   = 'measure.csv'
dismod_at.csv2db_command(database, configure_csv, measure_csv)
# run dismod_at commands
def exec_shell_cmd(cmd) :
   program    = '../../devel/dismod_at'
   command    = [ program, database ] + cmd.split()
exec_shell_cmd( 'set option quasi_fixed       false' )
exec_shell_cmd( 'set option ode_step_size     5'     )
exec_shell_cmd( 'init' )
exec_shell_cmd( 'fit fixed' )
exec_shell_cmd( 'predict fit_var' )
# connect to database
new        = False
connection = dismod_at.create_connection(database, new)
# get variable and fit_var tables
var_table         = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'var')
rate_table        = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'rate')
integrand_table   = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'integrand')
fit_var_table     = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'fit_var')
data_table        = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'data')
data_subset_table = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'data_subset')
fit_data_subset   = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'fit_data_subset')
max_abs_err = 0.0
for var_id in range( len(var_table) ) :
   var_row        = var_table[var_id]
   fit_row        = fit_var_table[var_id]
   var_type       = var_row['var_type']
   rate_id        = var_row['rate_id']
   rate_name      = rate_table[rate_id]['rate_name']
   fit_var_value  = fit_row['fit_var_value']
   relative_err   = fit_var_value / rate_true[rate_name]  - 1.0
   max_abs_err    = max(max_abs_err, abs(relative_err) )
if max_abs_err > 0.1 :
   sys.msg(' max_abs_err = ' + str(max_abs_err) )
# check error in mtall approximation
max_abs_res = 0.0
for data_id in range( len(data_table) ) :
   assert data_id == data_subset_table[data_id]['data_id']
   integrand_id    = data_table[data_id]['integrand_id']
   integrand_name  = integrand_table[integrand_id]['integrand_name']
   if integrand_name == 'mtall' :
      weighted_residual = fit_data_subset[data_id]['weighted_residual']
      max_abs_res       = max(max_abs_res, abs(weighted_residual) )
if max_abs_res > 0.1 :
   sys.msg(' max_abs_res = ' + str(max_abs_res) )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# csv representation of database
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
print(' OK')

Input File: example/user/