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Latex MathML Command

Extending the Available Set of Latex Symbols
Testing MathML Commands
     Mi Font
Overbrace Compared To Tilde

$latex \mathml{start text stop}$$

The Latex \mathml command only works using the *.xml files and a browser that supports MathML ; e.g., Firefox (and not Chrome).

This command is not Standard Latex (which is why it does not work with MathJax ). The mathml command has two purposes described below:

Extending the Available Set of Latex Symbols
The argument text is a sequence of characters. They can use the Unicode representation
where unicode be a valid MathML Unicode value. For a list of the valid Unicode values see Section 6.2.1 of the MathML 2.0 specifications. The arguments start , stop , text can be one of the following:
start stop text
<mo stretchy='false'> </mo> an operator that should not stretch to fit
<mi mathvariant='normal'> </mi> an identifier that should be displayed in normal font

Testing MathML Commands
The mathml command is used to test, and discuss, certain MathML commands in the context for OMhelp. These usages the mathml command are not considered standard and may not work in future versions.

Mi Font
In Section 3.2.2 of
there is a paragraph with the text: "Finally, there is a redundancy problem with the mathvariant attribute that must be dealt with as a special case. When the mathvariant attribute is used on an mi element containing a single character ... the resulting rendering will be visually indistinguishable from an mi element with no attributes containing the corresponding SMP character." From this discussion, it seems to me that both of the x in the commands below should be displayed the same.
     $latex \[
               <mi mathvariant="normal">x</mi>
generates the output @[@ \mathml{ x x } @]@ On the other hand, it appears that the browsers are changing fonts as requested. This is useful because mi elements are token elements and as such, mstyle elements can not be placed with in them. Thus, there does not seem to be another way to override the changing of fonts by mi elements that have single character values.

Overbrace Compared To Tilde
The OverBrace (U0FE37) stretches to fit the entire base and the tilde (U002DC) does not. This is a good thing because it agrees with LaTex, but it is unclear how the MathML specifications lead to this display. The input
     $latex \mathml{
          <mo stretchy="true"> &#x0FE37; </mo>
     <mspace width="2em"/>
          <mo stretchy="true"> &#x002DC; </mo>
     } $$
results in the following output
@(@ \mathml{ x+y+z x+y+z ˜ } @)@
Input File: omh/latex/mathml.omh