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Latex Symbols That Change Between Inline and Displayed Formulas

Inline Formulas
Display Formulas

$latex Symbol $$

Display in Latex mode the symbol specified by Symbol where Symbol is one of the Latex symbols in the tables below. These symbols are larger in displayed formulas than in inline formulas. In addition, subscripts and superscripts attached directly to these symbols are placed above and below in displayed formulas (instead of after the symbol). These symbols appear in Table 3.8 of Lamport .

Inline Formulas
The following tables lists the symbols and their corresponding output in inline formulas:
Symbol Output
\sum @(@ \sum @)@
\prod @(@ \prod @)@
\coprod @(@ \coprod @)@
\int @(@ \int @)@
\oint @(@ \oint @)@
Symbol Output
\bigcap @(@ \bigcap @)@
\bigcup @(@ \bigcup @)@
\bigvee @(@ \bigvee @)@
\bigwedge @(@ \bigwedge @)@
Symbol Output
\bigodot @(@ \bigodot @)@
\bigotimes @(@ \bigotimes @)@
\bigoplus @(@ \bigoplus @)@
\biguplus @(@ \biguplus @)@

Display Formulas
The following is an example of these symbols in displayed formulas. Note the operator size problem with both the Firefox and Explorer browsers. @[@ \sum \prod \coprod \int \oint \bigcap \bigcup \bigvee \bigwedge \bigodot \bigotimes \bigoplus \biguplus @]@

The input
     The sum $latex \sum_{i=1}^\infty f(i) $$  converges
generates the output
The sum @(@ \sum_{i=1}^\infty f(i) @)@ converges
The input
     The sum $latex \[ \sum_{i=1}^\infty f(i) \] $$  converges
generates the output
The sum @[@ \sum_{i=1}^\infty f(i) @]@  converges

The int and oint symbols are exceptions in that their subscripts and superscripts do not change position in displayed formulas. The input
     The integral $latex \int_{i=1}^\infty f(i) di $$  converges
generates the output
The integral @(@ \int_{i=1}^\infty f(i) di @)@ converges
The input
     The integral $latex \[ \int_{i=1}^\infty f(i) di \] $$  converges
generates the output
The integral @[@ \int_{i=1}^\infty f(i) di @]@  converges
Input File: omh/latex/displaysym.omh