Cross Reference Tag
The first argument to a cref command is the text
that the user sees for the link.
This is also the default value for the cross reference tag of the
section that we are linking to.
Each section starts with a begin command
that contains its cross reference tag as an argument.
The cross reference tag for this section is cref_example.
$begin cref_child_1$$
$section Cross Reference Examples With Two Arguments$$
$head Linking Text$$
If there is more than one argument,
the first argument is the linking text and
the second argument specifies the cross reference tag.
For example, select the following link:
$cref/parent of this section/cref_example/$$.
$begin cref_child_2$$
$section An Example Specifying a Heading$$
$head Heading$$
The third argument to a cref command specifies the heading
within the section we are linking to.
For example, if you select the following link:
$cref/cross reference tag/cref_example/Cross Reference Tag/$$.