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@(@\newcommand{\B}[1]{ {\bf #1} } \newcommand{\R}[1]{ {\rm #1} } \newcommand{\W}[1]{ \; #1 \; }@)@This is dismod_at-20221105 documentation: Here is a link to its current documentation .
Example Plotting The Rates for a Fit

Call to plot_rate_fit
Source Code

There are four nodes in this example. The world node has one child, north_america. The north_america node has two children, united_states and canada. The parent_node is canada which does not have any children.

There is a parent smoothing the iota , rho and chi rates. There is no child node smoothing so there are no random effects for these rates. In addition, there is no parent smoothing for the other rates so they are zero. The value priors for the rate smoothing is uniform with lower limit 1e-4 and upper limit 1.0. The mean 0.1, is only used as a starting point for the optimization. The age and time difference prior for this smoothing is uniform with mean zero and no upper or lower bound.

The integrands for this example are Sincidence , remission , and mtexcess . Note that these integrands are direct measurements of the following rates:
integrand2rate = {
   'Sincidence':  'iota'   ,
   'remission':   'rho'    ,
   'mtexcess':    'chi'    ,

All of the data corresponds to canada. There is one data point for each of the integrands listed above. It is simulated using true value for the corresponding rate:
def rate_true(rate_name, age, time) :
   age_fraction  = age / 100.0
   time_fraction = (time - 1980) / 40.0
   assert 0 <= age_fraction and age_fraction <= 1.0
   assert 0 <= time_fraction and time_fraction <= 1.0
   value         = age_fraction + time_fraction + 1.0
   factor        = { 'iota':1e-2 , 'rho':5e-2 , 'chi':1e-3  }
   return factor[rate_name] * value
Even though there is not noise in the simulated data, it is modeled as have the following coefficient of variation:

meas_cv = 0.2

Call to plot_rate_fit

database   = file_name
rate_set   = { 'iota', 'chi' }
pdf_file   = 'example.pdf'
plot_title = 'Example Rate Plot'
plot_set   = dismod_at.plot_rate_fit(database, pdf_file, plot_title, rate_set)
assert plot_set == rate_set

Source Code

import time
import sys
import os
import copy
import random
import math
test_program = 'example/user/'
if sys.argv[0] != test_program  or len(sys.argv) != 1 :
   usage  = 'python3 ' + test_program + '\n'
   usage += 'where python3 is the python 3 program on your system\n'
   usage += 'and working directory is the dismod_at distribution directory\n'
# import dismod_at
local_dir = os.getcwd() + '/python'
if( os.path.isdir( local_dir + '/dismod_at' ) ) :
   sys.path.insert(0, local_dir)
import dismod_at
# change into the build/example/user directory
if not os.path.exists('build/example/user') :
random_seed = int( time.time() )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Note that the a, t values are not used for this example
def example_db (file_name) :
   def fun_rate_parent(a, t) :
      return ('prior_rate_parent', 'prior_none', 'prior_none')
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # age table
   age_list    = list( range(0, 101, 10) )
   age_index   = list( range(1, len(age_list) - 1, 1) )
   # time table
   time_list   = list( range(1980, 2021, 10) )
   time_index  = list( range(1, len(time_list) - 1, 1) )
   # integrand table
   integrand_table = [
      { 'name':'Sincidence' },
      { 'name':'remission' },
      { 'name':'mtexcess' },
   # node table: world -> north_america
   #             north_america -> (united_states, canada)
   node_table = [
      { 'name':'world',         'parent':'' },
      { 'name':'north_america', 'parent':'world' },
      { 'name':'united_states', 'parent':'north_america' },
      { 'name':'canada',        'parent':'north_america' }
   # weight table:
   weight_table = list()
   # covariate table: no covriates
   covariate_table = list()
   # mulcov table
   mulcov_table = list()
   # nslist_table:
   nslist_table = dict()
   # avgint table:
   avgint_table = list()
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # data table: same order as list of integrands
   data_table = list()
   # values that are the same for all data rows
   row = {
      'node':        'canada',
      'subgroup':    'world',
      'density':     'gaussian',
      'weight':      '',
      'hold_out':     False,
   # values that change between rows: (one data point for each integrand)
   for integrand_id in range( len(integrand_table) ) :
      integrand_name    = integrand_table[integrand_id]['name']
      rate_name         = integrand2rate[integrand_name]
      for age_id in age_index :
         for time_id in time_index :
            age        = age_list[age_id]
            time       = time_list[time_id]
            true_value = rate_true(rate_name, age, time)
            meas_std          = meas_cv * true_value
            row['age_lower']  = age
            row['age_upper']  = age
            row['time_lower'] = time
            row['time_upper'] = time
            row['integrand']  = integrand_name
            row['meas_value'] = true_value
            row['meas_std']   = true_value * 0.2
            data_table.append( copy.copy(row) )
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # prior_table
   prior_table = [
      {  # prior_rate_parent
         'name':     'prior_rate_parent',
         'density':  'uniform',
         'lower':    1e-4,
         'upper':    1.0,
         'mean':     0.1,
      },{ # prior_none
         'name':     'prior_none',
         'density':  'uniform',
         'mean':     0.0,
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # smooth table
   last_time_id   = len(time_list) - 1
   smooth_table = [
      { # smooth_rate_parent
         'name':                     'smooth_rate_parent',
         'age_id':                   age_index,
         'time_id':                  time_index,
         'fun':                      fun_rate_parent
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # rate table
   rate_table = [
         'name':          'iota',
         'parent_smooth': 'smooth_rate_parent',
         'name':          'rho',
         'parent_smooth': 'smooth_rate_parent',
         'name':          'chi',
         'parent_smooth': 'smooth_rate_parent',
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # option_table
   option_table = [
      { 'name':'parent_node_name',       'value':'canada'       },
      { 'name':'random_seed',            'value':random_seed    },
      { 'name':'rate_case',              'value':'iota_pos_rho_pos' },

      { 'name':'quasi_fixed',            'value':'false'        },
      { 'name':'derivative_test_fixed',  'value':'first-order'  },
      { 'name':'max_num_iter_fixed',     'value':'30'           },
      { 'name':'print_level_fixed',      'value':'5'            },
      { 'name':'tolerance_fixed',        'value':'1e-12'        },

      { 'name':'derivative_test_random', 'value':'second-order' },
      { 'name':'max_num_iter_random',    'value':'100'          },
      { 'name':'print_level_random',     'value':'0'            },
      { 'name':'tolerance_random',       'value':'1e-12'        }
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # subgroup_table
   subgroup_table = [ { 'subgroup':'world', 'group':'world' } ]
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   # create database
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   n_smooth  = len( smooth_table )
# ===========================================================================
file_name  = 'example.db'
program = '../../devel/dismod_at'
dismod_at.system_command_prc([ program, file_name, 'init' ])
dismod_at.system_command_prc([ program, file_name, 'fit', 'both' ])
   [ program, file_name, 'sample', 'asymptotic', 'both', '20' ]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# BEGIN call plot_rate_fit
database   = file_name
rate_set   = { 'iota', 'chi' }
pdf_file   = 'example.pdf'
plot_title = 'Example Rate Plot'
plot_set   = dismod_at.plot_rate_fit(database, pdf_file, plot_title, rate_set)
assert plot_set == rate_set
# END call plot_rate_fit
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# connect to database
new             = False
connection      = dismod_at.create_connection(file_name, new)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# get variable and fit_var tables
age_table       = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'age')
time_table      = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'time')
var_table       = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'var')
node_table      = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'node')
rate_table      = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'rate')
fit_var_table   = dismod_at.get_table_dict(connection, 'fit_var')
# 3 rates and n_grid values per rate
n_grid = ( len(age_table) - 2) * ( len(time_table) - 2 )
assert len(var_table) == 3 * n_grid
for (var_id, row) in enumerate(var_table) :
   assert row['var_type'] == 'rate'
   # age_id, time_id, node_id, rate_id
   age_id    = row['age_id']
   time_id   = row['time_id']
   node_id   = row['node_id']
   rate_id   = row['rate_id']
   # age, time, node_name, rate_name
   age       = age_table[age_id]['age']
   time      = time_table[time_id]['time']
   node_name = node_table[node_id]['node_name']
   rate_name = rate_table[rate_id]['rate_name']
   assert node_name == 'canada'
   # rate_name
   # fit_var_value
   fit_var_value = fit_var_table[var_id]['fit_var_value']
   # check
   check  = rate_true(rate_name, age, time)
   err    = fit_var_value  / check - 1.0
   assert abs(err) < 1e-6
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Run plot at unix command line
program  = 'bin/'
database = f'build/example/user/{database}'
pdf_file = f'build/example/user/{pdf_file}'
rate_set = 'iota chi'
dismod_at.system_command_prc( [
   program, database, 'plot_rate_fit', pdf_file, plot_title, rate_set
] )
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
print(f'Plot file: {pdf_file}')
print(' OK')

Input File: example/user/