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@(@\newcommand{\B}[1]{ {\bf #1} } \newcommand{\R}[1]{ {\rm #1} } \newcommand{\W}[1]{ \; #1 \; }@)@This is dismod_at-20221105 documentation: Here is a link to its current documentation .
Install and Run dismod_at in a Docker Image

Logging Output
Building Images
     Removing Containers
     Removing Images
Run New Container
     Removing Containers
     Other Arguments
     Determine Container Id
     Start Container
     Run Container
     Stop Container

./ image base
./ image mixed
./ image dismod_at
./ image at_cascade
./ build_type database command ...

Both docker and podman create Open Container Initiative OCI images and containers.

The driver program, determined by this setting, can be either docker or podman:

Below we referee to the value of this shell variable as driver .

Logging Output
You can save the output of any of the commands above by redirecting standard output and standard error to a file. For example,
 ./ image base >& 
will redirect standard output and standard error to log_file . If you do this, you will not see the progress during execution. If also want to monitor the progress, in another window use
 tail -f 
This tail command will not terminate until you enter control-C in the window where it is running.

This bash script will create or run a dismod_at OCI image and can be run from any directory. Using this script is an alternative to going through the steps required to install_dismod_at . You can use the following link to get a get a copy of the bash script If you understand docker, this script also serves as an example install of dismod_at.

You must have a copy of docker , or podman installed on your system. You can test this on your system by trying to execute the following command:
driver run busybox echo 'Hello World'

Building Images
The image commands will not execute if the corresponding OCI image already exists. You must remove containers that use an image and then remove the image, before you can execute the image command successfully.

This script will build the following version of dismod_at image:


This script can build the following version of the optional at_cascade image:


The image base syntax creates a new OCI image with the name dismod_at.base. The whats_new instructions will tell you if you need to re-execute this command.

The image mixed syntax creates a new OCI image with the name dismod_at.mixed. The dismod_at.base image must exist before the dismod_at.mixed image can be created. The whats_new instructions will tell you if you need to re-execute this command.

The image dismod_at syntax creates a new OCI image with the name dismod_at.image. The dismod_at.mixed image must exist before the dismod_at.image image can be created.

The image at_cascade syntax creates a new OCI image with the name at_cascade.image. The dismod_at.image image must exist before the at_cascade.image image can be created. The at_cascade package is an optional add-on to the dismod_at program.

Removing Containers
If an existing container uses an image that is being created, you will be prompted with the corresponding container_id . The command
driver rm container_id
will remove the container. If the container is still running, you will need to use
driver rm --force container_id

Removing Images
You can remove an old image using the command
driver rmi name
For example, name could be dismod_at.base, dismod_at.mixed, or dismod_at.image. You can keep the old image, under a different name, using the commands
driver tag name different_name
driver rmi name

The build syntax will create the file Dockerfile in the current working directory. If such a file already exists, it will need to be moved or deleted.

  1. If you get the error message
      Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update 
    There may be an old OCI image result for apt-get update that is out of date. You can list the images using the command OCI images. Try removing an old image that corresponds to a previous apt-get update and then re-run the build command.
  2. If you get the error message
      Release file for 
    package is not valid yet ...
    You system clock may be out of date (reporting an old day or time). Try fixing the system clock.

Run New Container
Once dismod_at.image has been created, you use the build_type syntax to run dismod_at in a container.

Removing Containers
The dismod_at container for a particular user will be named dismod_at.user . If such a container already exists, you will be prompted with the corresponding container_id . The command
driver rm container_id
will remove the container. If the container is still running, you will need to use
driver rm --force container_id

The build_type syntax will run the correspond command in the OCI image. The argument build_type must be either debug or release. The release version should be much faster. The debug version will do more extensive error checking.

The second argument database must be a dismod_at database in the current working directory. This the first argument to the corresponding dismod_at command.

The third argument command must be one of the dismod_at commands. This is the second argument in the corresponding dismod_at command. The rest of the arguments ... are the same as the corresponding arguments for the command .

Other Arguments
The other arguments to are the same as in the syntax for the command , except that dismod_at or have been replaced by build_type .

Some times an error occurs during the running of a container and you would like to go inside the container and execute commands. The following instructions are useful for this:

Determine Container Id

driver ps -a
If driver is podman, the following might work better
 podman ps --all --storage

Start Container
If a container status is Exited, you can start it using:
driver start container_id

Run Container
If a container status is Up, you can run it using:
driver exec -it container_id bash
You will be in the container until you exit the bash shell that is run by the command above.

Stop Container
If a container status is Up, you can stop it using:
driver stop container_id

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